Answering this question has allowed me, in my professional experience, to envision and establish a Sales Academy for L’Oréal in over 75 countries with a minimum of resources. Incidentally, in French the ten letters of the word “chaordique” can also help you win a game of Scrabble by scoring 58 […] Lire la suite
It all began when my line manager told me I was borderline! I thus understood the fragile boundary between what is deemed acceptable and unacceptable behaviour … This happened, however, at a time when for over 20 years I had been reasonably successful in a large organisation, where I […] Lire la suite
In this first article, I kindly accepted to be interviewed by communication consultancy « Les Mots qui Manquent » to tell you about my personal background and professional career, which combines field experience and theoretical research. As a consultant, a coach and a trainer, Eric Mellet combines an extensive […] Lire la suite
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