The Brand University

Yet, the phenomenon of questioning the value of brands goes much further. In the current environment, with manifold uncertainties produced by the lingering threat of terrorism, global warming and economic recession, the consumer has been re-evaluating his/her relationship with money and the purchase decision in search of greater meaning. In order to rise above the strictly functional performance of a given product, the brand will need to demonstrate its “added value”, whereby the consumer finds significance in -- and identifies with – the brand’s values. And a large part of the challenge is in being able to communicate that value effectively and fluidly.

Brands have to fight through the clutter of crowded, confusing and disparate communication channels to reach an audience that no longer takes as the gospel the marketing messages. Broad and dislocated access to information – especially on price, performance and location – has empowered the consumer. With the so-called “left brain” messaging driven to its logical extreme, the new world order belongs increasingly to the “right brain” where image, emotion and experience are privileged – if only unconsciously -- by the consumer in their purchase decision. In this context, companies need to evaluate whether their employees are tapping into their more creative and conceptual side. In his book, “A Whole New Mind” Dan Pink forcefully speaks to the value of a balanced mind, combining the rational and analytical components with the more imaginative, artistic sides of the brain. And such is the need inside the new organization, which could be better described as a living organism, capable of learning, growing and adapting to the new environment and demands of the marketplace. As Peter Senge said, “[i]n the long run, the only sustainable source of competitive advantage is [the] organization’s ability to learn faster than its competition.”

Suite à nos échanges initiaux pour évaluer vos besoins, One and All + vous proposera un programme spécifique daté qui mentionnera :

  • Les pré-requis pour accéder à la formation (si nécessaires)
  • Les objectifs
  • La durée
  • Les modalités d'accès
  • Les méthodes mobilisées
  • Les modalités d’évaluation
  • Le tarif
  • Nos Contacts

Les délais d’accès à nos formations est de 1 mois en moyenne, et nous serons ravis d’accueillir nos amis en situation de handicap pour lesquels nous avons toujours une solution à proposer.

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